
As Jesus was preparing to leave this earth so he could send his Spirit to live inside of us, he told his disciples to go and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded.  Then, he lets them know  very clearly that he will be with them always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:19-20).



The River of Life desires to live by this command from Jesus. We want to fulfill his desire for the nations, that ALL might know him and be like him. That is why we go! We want others to know Jesus and see him clearly. At times, it can be a sacrifice to leave family, our job, and our comfort but no sacrifice is too great when it comes to someone meeting Jesus for the first time and entering into a personal relationship with him!  And this is the desire of the River of Life: to see disciples make disciples everywhere, from our local community to the very ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Our philosophy of missions is to get deeply involved in certain areas to see seeds of faith planted and harvested for years to come. We have developed some deep partnerships with the hopes of great harvest for the Kingdom of God. We have strong partnerships in Stearns, KY, India, Haiti, Tanzania and Fiji .  

Join us as we sacrifice the comforts of this world to share the love and beauty of Jesus. Click any of the tabs to learn more about our specific areas of missions and to sign up for an upcoming trip!

"If Christ be God, and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him."

- C.T. Studd


Missions in Tanzania


Missions in Fiji


Missions in Australia


Missions in India


Missions in Haiti

Local Missions

Missions in Washington County